The bug slayer mosquito control system kills and repels mosquitoes on your property. The bug slayer system has had over 10 years of; hands-on, field-tested success, through licensed, certified pest-control operators, throughout the United States and the Caribbean regions of the world.
The system was not only created, to be an effective mosquito killing apparatus, but focused on three Paramount objectives:
- To apply an insecticide product, to a target past, in a manner that would bring out a positive outcome for the homeowner, with the least potential of harm to either the environment, or the purchaser of the system. (SAFETY FIRST)
- To reduce the mosquito population, to a point that you may enjoy the outdoor areas, that you use, and cherish, and pay property taxes on. This is done, by making sure the problem area are identified, the proper equipment is installed, to bring about a positive outcome. (EFFACACY)
- To install a system that is felt and not seen. This is done, by taking into consideration all landscape and hard scape features, building structures, colors and general outlook of the completed project.(AESTHETICS)
The bug slayer system is an auto spray insect management system. The system is installed on private property and is geared toward the elimination of mosquitoes, no see-um, and other flying biting pests. The bug slayer, falls under the classification of mosquito misting systems the system has three basic components:
- The reservoir tank which contains the insecticide product to be metered out through the system.
- The pump, motor and timer which control the application of the insecticide, both on a manual basis with a remote control or on automatic timed spray.
- The network of strategically placed misting nozzles throughout the yard area, taking into consideration harborage and breeding areas of mosquitoes.
The concept is a simple one, to preemptively ambush, the unsuspecting target past, before they have the opportunity to take your blood involuntarily. If you are tired of applying repellents to your skin, swatting at little bloodsuckers that are faster than you are, or not being able to go out and enjoy what you worked hard to obtain, you need a bug slayer system. |