Not being able to enjoy your property during the nicest times a year due to mosquitoes, no see-um and other flying biting pests is very frustrating. In the Florida climate, mosquitoes can get downright nasty certain times of the year. Constantly calling your pest control company to come out and spray your yard can get really expensive. You need a bug slayer system.
The bug slayer system works like having your own, full-time, pest control operator working in your yard, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Initially, our certified technician analyzes the environment in your yard, to understand how he might best be able to meet your objectives. The tech will then estimate the type of equipment you need, as well as the layout of the bug slayer system
that will best serve your primary objectives: safety first, effectiveness, and aesthetics.
The bug slayer system is an auto spray insect management system. The system is installed on private property and is geared toward the elimination of mosquitoes, flies, and other flying biting pests. The bug slayer, falls under the classification of mosquito misting systems the system has three basic components:
- The reservoir tank which contains the insecticide product to be metered out through the system.
- The pump, motor and timer which control the application of the insecticide, both on a manual basis with a remote control or on automatic timed sprays.
- The network of strategically placed misting nozzles throughout the yard area, taking into consideration harborage and breeding areas of mosquitoes, no see-um and other flying biting insects.
The concept is a simple one, to preemptively ambush on the unsuspecting target pest, before they have a chance to react. Protect your investment and enjoy what you worked hard to obtain, you need a bug slayer system.
The insecticide used in the bug slayer system, is environmentally responsible, registered with the Department of Agriculture, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency. The spray products used in the system are either organic plant-based products, natural insecticides derived from the chrysanthemum flower, or synthetic products geared to break down the insect's natural ability to thwart off insecticides. All of the products are repellent in nature, and provide effective killing of the target past. The system has a remote control feature that allows for manual treatments at any time of the day or night, but normally set to work on a timer to fit your schedule for convenience and peace of mind.