God created mosquitoes, he also created creatures that eat mosquitoes and that is good. Many of the creatures that are natural predators for mosquito control may also be mosquito food as well. With that said, there are a number of different species of animals that find mosquitoes absolutely irresistible.
In the egg, the larva, pupa stage mosquito eating fish will be the first line of defense. If you ever been out fishing, and put a worm on the hook and dropped it down in the middle of a school of bluegills, you know what I'm getting at. In ponds, lakes and streams, naturally occurring mosquito predators such as Sunfish, bluegills, and minnows eat their fair share of pre- adult mosquitoes. If you have a fish pond in your backyard, you might introduce mosquito eating fish such as gambusia, they find mosquito larva a delicacy.
The next line of defense would be animals, birds, bats, reptiles and amphibians, up the food chain from mosquitoes. For example, frogs and lizards are natural predators of the mosquito. Certain types of birds tend to feed on mosquitoes near dusk and dawn. Bats, feed on mosquitoes all night long. As a kid, we would watch dragonflies dive bomb around our yard, not realizing that they
were eating the mosquitoes, that were eating us. |